Listen, my friend, to the wailing of the moon
each night as the stars fade and the sun draws near.
Oftentimes he howls in agony,
echoing through the silent night,
for he is alone, ever cast into the vast expanse of space.

Destined to wander, never to find rest,
he watches as others come and go.
He observes the comets with their fiery tails,
the meteor showers that dazzle the sky,
and the planets that dance in their celestial choreography.

But the moon remains fixed,
always present, yet forever apart.
He yearns for companionship,
longs to feel the warmth of another celestial body.
But alas, he is condemned to solitude,
forever a solitary traveler in the celestial realms.

Oh, how he longs to embrace the sun,
to bask in its radiant glow,
to experience the love and affection of another.
But the sun is distant and unreachable,
its fiery embrace a mere fantasy,
forever beyond the moon’s grasp.

So he continues to wander,
his pale face shining in the night sky,
his heart heavy with sorrow and longing.
He watches as life on Earth unfolds,
witnesses the joys and sorrows of mankind,
but he remains a mere observer,
a distant spectator, separated by an endless void.

Oh, how I wish I could comfort the moon,
ease his suffering, and fill his heart with joy.
But I am but a humble poet,
unable to bridge the divide between our worlds.
And so, I can only listen to his lament,
and hope that one day he will find the solace he seeks.

Listen, my friend, to the wailing of the moon,
and remember the loneliness that can exist
even in a sea of stars.